ICPC Ranking Process

When things go wrong during a contest, ensuring fairness for everyone becomes incredibly challenging. Unfortunately this time, we faced issues twice, and we sincerely apologise for that.

To address this, we have increased the number of slots and included as many affected teams as possible. This decision wasn't easy and has significantly increased our onsite seat requirements beyond initial estimates. However, we are doing our best to accommodate most of the affected teams.

What we are doing:

  1. "Yet Another GCD Problem" Adjustments:
    • We rejudged all non-accepted submissions after removing the K=0 case.
    • Penalties were adjusted based on the first accepted submission.

    This produced, say, Ranklist R1.

  2. "Small Indices" Problem Removal:
    • After the "Yet Another GCD Problem" rejudge, we then removed the "Small Indices" problem completely and recalculated the ranklist.

    This produced, say, Ranklist R2.

  3. Final Selection:
    • For each site, we select N teams (as per site specific team selection process) from R1 and N teams from R2, where N is the original number of teams announced for that site.
    • We take the union of these two lists of teams and invite them all to the finals.

Click to download the pdf containing the ranking process details.